COVID Safe Martial Arts School Policy
This Policy Shall be effect from 1 June 2020.
Preamble: The Policy is implemented to provide operational
parameters that members can abide by during the Covid 19 crisis.
The Policy will be reviewed on 1 September 2020.
1. The following ‘in class’ mandatory safety requirements will
a. A hand cleaning station where all persons entering the class area will clean their hands.
b. A requirement that the temperature of all persons entering be tested via a forehead thermometer – persons outside of the temperature range will not be able to enter.
c. A ‘single user’ rule for all equipment i.e. focus pads, gloves etc may only be used by the one person in any class – all equipment will be appropriately cleaned after usage.
d. When so permitted, by Government regulation, partner training can occur. Under this Policy a training partner must remain as the same person for the duration of the class (i.e. no changing training partners).
2. Spectators to your martial arts class are not allowed.
3. Where possible classes will have a clearly sign posted separate Entry and exit area.
4. When conducting back to back classes, once classes are finished there will be no entry from those attending the next class until all those in previous class have left.
5. Instructors will ensure that the following items form part of my ‘safety supplies’: * hand sanitisers, disinfectant mops, microfibre cloths, gloves – rated safe, paper towels.
6. Instructors will ensure that cleaning and sanitising will occur before and after class and, where required during class – particular attention to be paid to bathrooms and entry doors.
7. Instructors will ensure that any chairs in the training area are spaced a minimum of 1.5. metres apart.
8. Parents dropping their children to class will not be permitted to stay in the class, if they need to stay they must wait outside.
9. ‘Covid Safe Certification’ will be required for all instructors within our member schools/organisatons. ‘Covid Safe Certification’ is obtained by completing completed our online. ‘Covid Safe Certification’ program.
10. The ‘Covid Safe Martial Arts School’ logo will appear on all member school, websites and social media pages.
Temperature Testing
As per point 1 (b) of this Policy as a preventative measure all ‘Covid Safe Martial Arts Schools’ shall have in place a formal, proactive testing procedure. Temperature screening shall ensure that all persons with a temperature of 37.4°C or more are restricted from entry into the class.
Temperature screening will be conducted at the entrance to the class by the designated screener. If the scanner’s reading result is within the normal range of body temperature (equal to or less than 37.3°C) then it is considered safe to allow access to the location. If a person’s temperature is equal to or in excess of 38°C, the designated screener must follow the procedure to manage a person with symptoms and the person will not be allowed to enter the class training area.
The designated scanner, upon recording a reading of 38 degrees or higher, shall advise the person so recorded that they must seek immediate testing for the Covid 19 virus.
- stay at home and practice standard infection control precautions
- seek medical advice, it is important to call ahead first;
- go to ; or
- call the National Coronavirus Information and Triage Line (1800 020 080); It operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week. If you require translating or interpreting services, call 131 450.
- inform your workplace, sporting club
- if you have concerns about your health, speak to your doctor.
- for the latest advice, information and resources, go to
- the phone number of your state or territory public health agency is available at