Soke Raff Lanciana
Chief Instructor Zen Do Kai Wildcat Division – VIC,NSW.
- 9th Degree Black belt
- Accredited Weapons Instructor
- Accredited Self Defence Instructor
- Kendo Trained
- Licensed Crowd Controller
Profile: Soke Raffaelle Lanciana, one of Soke Bob Jones’s most senior students of Zen Do Kai, began his training in 1970, 6 months after the ZDK was formed at the “Honbu” in Melbourne. Kyoshi Raff is also the “family head” of the “Wildcat Division”, which at one stage had approx 27 clubs throughout Victoria and New South Wales. It was one of the largest “families” in Australia at the time. As well as him being No 3 in the hierarchy system of Zen Do Kai.
Kancho Rod Catterall
Celebrating 40th Anniversary in Martial Arts in 2019
- All Stars Head Instructor
- 6th Degree Black Belt in Zen Do Kai
- 6th Degree in Muay Thai Kickboxing
- Kobudo Weapons Instructor
- Krabi Krabong Weapons Instructor
- All Stars MMA Black Belt Instructor
Profile: Rod began his martial training in 1972 in a school of Judo under the Australian Judo Federation.
Shihan Anthony Peterson
Instructor – Head Office East Bentleigh / Wheelers Hill / St Josephs Elsternwick Sacred Heart Sandringham Dojo;s
- 3rd Degree Black belt
- 2nd Degree Muay Thai Instructor
- Personal Trainer
- Accredited Weapons Instructor
- Accredited Self Defence Instructor
- Accredited MMA Instructor
Profile: Anthony has had more than 40+ years in Martial Arts. He obtained black belts in both Zen Do Kai and Chan ki Do Karate. Anthony is currently a Shihan and holds the rank of 3rd Degree Black Belt in Allstars Martial Arts.
Renshi Andrew Zrajko
Instructor Head Office East Bentleigh / Pakenham / St Josephs Malvern Dojo’s
- 3rd Dan Sensei Instructors Certificate in Freestyle Goju Karate Do
- 2nd Degree Kru in Muay Thai Boran Kickboxing
- All Stars MMA Brown Belt Instructor
- Accredited Self Defence Instructor
- Accredited Weapons Instructor
- Personal Trainer / Certificate IV in Fitness (TAFE NSW)
Kyoshi Sonya Willetts
Instructor – Head Office /Parkdale
- 4th Degree Black Belt
- Kickboxing Black Singlet instructor
- Accredited Weapons Instructor
- Accredited Self Defence Instructor
Profile: Sonya has 20 years training experience in the Martial Arts industry. Sonya is a Shihan and 3rd Degree Black Belt and an accredited Kickboxing Black Singlet instructor in All Stars Martial Arts.
Shihan Teresa Caruso
Instructor Berwick Dojo
- Probationary 4th Degree black Belt
- 3rd Degree Black singlet in Muay Thai (kickboxing)
- Level 1 Fitness Instructor
- Accredited Weapons Instructor
- Accredited Self Defence Instructor
Profile: Teresa has 20 years training experience in the Martial Arts industry, including a brown belt in Taekwondo. She is a Renshi and probationary 4th degree black belt, 3rd Degree black singlet in in kickboxing, self defence, boot camp, weapons instructor in All Stars Martial Arts.
Dai Senpai Paul Govaars
Instructor Wheelers Hill Dojos
- 1st Degree Dai Senpai in Karate
- 1st Degree Black Singlet Instructor in Kickboxing
- Accredited Weapons Instructor
Specialty: Sensei in All Stars Freestyle Goju Karate Do Kru in All Stars Muay Thai Kickboxing.
Shihan Daniel Zrajko
Instructor Deniliquin & Finley NSW Dojo
- 4th Dan Renshi Instructors Certificate in Freestyle Goju Karate Do
- 2nd Degree Kru in Muay Thai Boran Kickboxing
- Black Shirt Coach in All Stars Boxing
- All Stars MMA Brown Belt Instructor
- Accredited Weapons Instructor
- Accredited Self Defence Instructor
Profile: Daniel began his training in 2002 in Zen Do Kai under Shihan Mick Fragiacomo, Deniliquin Wildcats Dojo. In 2005, after just less than 4 years training Daniel graded to Sho Dan Ho.
Sensei Bernie Lastro
Instructor East Bentleigh
- Black Singlet Instructor in Kickboxing
- Prob 3rd Degree Sensei in Karate
- Accredited Personal Trainer
- Accredited Self Defence Instructor
Specialty: 2009 – Kickboxing and Pad Work Out Course (All Stars) 2008 – Commenced Zen Do Kai Karate (All Stars) – currently Prob 3rd Degree – Commenced Kickboxing (All Stars) – currently Black Singlet – Heishin-Kai Karate – achieved 8th Kyu 1986 – Shotokan Karate – Black/Dan Belt.
Sensei Steve Walker
Instructor Narre Warren / Hallam Dojo
- 2nd Degree Sensei in Karate
- 1st Degree Black Singlet Instructor in Kickboxing
- Accredited Personal Trainer
- Accredited Weapons Instructor
- Accredited Self Defence Instructor
Specialty: Sensei in All Stars Freestyle Goju Karate Do Kru in All Stars Muay Thai Kickboxing Personal Trainer.
Sensei Shane Lacy
Instructor Wentworth NSW Dojo
- 2nd Degree Sensei in Karate
- 1st Degree Black Singlet Instructor in Kickboxing
- Accredited Boxing Coach
- Accredited Weapons Instructor
Specialty: 2000 – Commenced training at age 11, trained and graded under Sensei Wayne Kelvy in the Deniliquin Wildcats Dojo. 2003 – As a brown belt, received black instructors gi and Bushido cross. 2004 – Graded to the rank of Sho Dan Ho. 2006 – Took over as head instructor of the Deniliquin Dojo. 2010 – After 4 years, stepped down as head instructor of the Deniliquin Dojo to pursue other life goals. 2016 – Started the All Stars Wentworth Dojo which was the first NSW All Stars suburban club and grew to over 50 members in the first year of training.
Kristy Yim
Women’s Kickboxing / Self Defence Instructor
Bentleigh East Dojo
- Brown Belt in Karate
- Brown Singlet Instructor in Kickboxing
- Accredited Self Defence Coach
Her motto, “LIVE LAUGH AND LEARN (Fitness, Fun, Family, Friends)”, embodies her belief in creating an inclusive and supportive atmosphere where students can grow both physically and mentally.
Qualifications:1st Kyu Brown Belt in Karate / Brown Singlet Muay Thai Kickboxing / Accredited Self Defence Instructor
Currently Studying:
Certificate 3 & 4 in Early Childhood Education
Care & Certificate 3 in Youth Counselling
Sean Bowring
Instructor at Head Office, Personal Trainier, Self Defence Instructor
- Black Belt in Karate
- Black Singlet Instructor in Kickboxing
- Accredited Self Defence Coach
- Accredited Personal Trainer
- Diploma of Fitness
- Cert IV in Fitness
- Cert IV in Training and Assessment
Sean Bowring, owner of Prime Strength Coaching, is now a part of the Allstars team. He has been involved in the fitness industry for 40 years as a fitness trainer, gym owner and martial arts instructor. He has also worked with Allstars/Rod Catterall and Associates as an instructor and corporate facilitator.
Virginia Park Business Estate,
North Drive, 10/ 236-262 East Boundary Road,
East Bentleigh. Victoria 3165 Australia
Phone: (03) 9579 0800
Opening Hours
Mon-Fri: 9:00-21:00
Sat: 8:00-12:00
Sun: Closed