Weapons Classes
Combined Teens & Adults Class
Weapons have always been an important part of martial arts training. We cover traditional weapons from the martial arts systems of karate and kickboxing over the year.
At All Stars we will be teaching the Bo for the first & second terms of the year then move onto the the traditional wooden weapon of the Bokken for terms three & four. Classes will consist of basic and advanced partnered drills, self defence, disarms, kihon and grade weapons kata, sparring and much more.
Please note any students wishing to use any prohibited weapons must be over 18 yrs of age and provide evidence of the prohibited weapons license before proceeding onto floor. Full list of prohibited weapons can be found on the Licensing Regulations Division web site. www.police.vic.gov.au/weapons
Just wear loose comfortable clothing. It is recommended you also bring along a water bottle, towel and the weapon to train with if you can.